Truly, I speak from experience. Current experience. Ongoing experience.
Randall and I are puppy sitting a 9 month old double dapple puppy until she can be picked up and transported to her foster home in San Antonio. Little puppy Ariel is very cute and very friendly and VERY energetic.
And the old dogs think that just really sucks.
She's also blind which means many bumps into old dogs. Coupled with much wagging and wiggling and kissing.
The collective group of seniors at the Hurst-Stukey Retirement Home are bent well out of shape.
Currently, Ariel is camping out with Randall in the den and so are Penny and Dixie. I figure it's better for the toothless dogs to be in that room. Penny is alpha and she's had a few things to say to Ariel, but with no teeth there's not much more that she can do. She's pretty incensed about the arrangement since she's usually in here with me (alpha dog goes with the pack leader who is she's not a fan).
Dixie just thinks she's being horribly abused and she's had to chastise Ariel a few times. That worries her, so she is rather quiet and intimidated right now. Dixie is a meek and quiet soul, so to tell this puppy, "NO." isn't something she's too comfortable with.
All the dogs with teeth, Buddy, Skeeter and Aggie are sequestered with me in the bedroom and hall.
Skeeter is particularly not a fan of this arrangement since he belongs to Randall. It doesn't help matters that Ariel climbs in his basket. Skeeter is going to be pissed for a week.
Poor Aggie is all confused and insecure. She doesn't handle this sort of thing well, and she really doesn't understand a puppy that keeps running into her. Aggie sat in a corner of the den, facing the wall and pouting until we made this separation.
Buddy is OK with the arrangement because he's where he always is...on a pallet next to my desk. But he's not a fan of 9 month old bundles of energy, either. He's gotten all manly and authoritative and stomped around the den stiff legged...and considering he's rather stiff legged to begin with is saying something. He sort of looks like a Buddy body on stilts.
Fortunately, Ariel's stay here should be short. She was owner surrendered to Fuzzy Friends Rescue here in Waco and is now in the ATDR program. Not sure what her availability will be, but she is happy, friendly and not particularly handicapped from having no eyes. She should do just fine in a home not filled with geriatrics.
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Ariel's Intake Photo at FFR |
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