(I swore up and down this blog would be for more than just health updates, but that seems to be what's happening right now!)
Gigi has pretty well kicked her infection. She's been on the Clindamycin now for around 10 days, and the drooling has virtually stopped. Her breath is much better (sort of a relative description) and her energy level is quite good.
She also has reached the benchmark weight of 10 lbs, and I think it's safe to say that her weight should range between 9 1/2 pounds and 10 or so. She's fleshed out, though I suspect she will continue to add weight in places as things continue to shift around.
One thing I'm not seeing is a filling in of the hollows on her skull right above the outside of her eyes. As far as I can tell, that's remained the same. I'm unsure if it will always be there or if it's just the last place to fill in. Poor GiGi is the obvious product of bad breeding, and this may simply be a structural issue of her conformation. Regardless, she's a sweet little girl, so if you like her personality, that's not going to make a bit of difference.
Her diet is still being supplemented. She's getting 1/3 cup of food twice daily. In the morning, she gets fish oil and half a boiled egg. In the evening, she gets 1/3 cup of food with 1 oz of chicken liver added. She gets yogurt with her antibiotic, and she's a big fan of low fat vanilla yogurt. :)
(In my experience, dogs with bad teeth or no teeth seem to gravitate to sweets. LOL)
I also think she's about ready to have a blood test done to check the status of the anemia she was suffering from. If she's got good numbers, she'll be ready to go down to Houston to Linne so she can get her dental and go into another foster home.
Personally, I think she's adoptable. She's got a fine temperament, and is very friendly once she has a chance to size you up. She likes laps, blankets, cuddling and affection. Not much wrong there.She will make a nice pet for anyone looking for an older girl.
She is, however, NOT a fan of cold weather, as you can see from these photos. :)
She is a DOLL !!!