Saturday, January 5, 2013

Updating Miss Dixie...

I continue to be impressed with just how sweet this dog is. And easy going. And accepting of change. She really is a trooper. She hadn't been here all that long herself before a new and needy foster came in. She handled that transition pretty well. There was a little insecurity as everyone tried to figure out the daytime sleeping arrangements and who was going to be in which room, but now that we've got multiple pillows and blankets, she's a happy camper.

Dixie pretty well goes on the the motto of  "Home is where the comfort (food) is." Give her a pillow and a blanket, and she's good to go. Her only real obsession is food. Some of that may be because she's dieting or it may simply be she's a typical dachshund who can pack away any amount of food/treats you care to hand out.

When she came to us a few weeks ago, the clinic had weighed her the day she left and she was 15.8 pounds. Our new bathroom scales came today, and she's 13.8. That's a pretty significant loss since she got here on December 17. Basically 2 pounds in 20 days. I would like to get her to 13 pounds and see what her body looks like. Right now, she's got a waistline, but there's still some extra padding on her ribs. Once that's gone, I think she's going to be close to where she needs to be. I originally thought she'd need to weigh a lot less, but as what she has moves around, I'm reevaluating that.

So, the good news is she's looking good, the bad news - for Dixie - is the diet isn't done. :)

Meanwhile, crate trained, house broken, easy going, likes other dogs, ignores cats, leash trained, spayed and heartworm negative. What else could you ask for? So if anyone is looking for a perfect senior girl, you really need to meet Dixie. Even the lack of teeth isn't an issue for her for the most part.

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